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Every Story Ever Told
“Ami Polonsky's Every Story Ever Told is a lyrically written, moving story about family, friendship, and the desperate need to tell our stories to a broken world. Some stories may feel too painful to speak out loud, but those can end up being the most important ones we'll ever tell and the most important for others to hear. Even when we can't yet see the ending, even when we only have beginning or a middle, we give others the opportunity to add to our story and finish it. And those stories, written across generations, really can make the world a better place.”
—Dusti Bowling, bestselling author of The Canyon’s Edge and Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus
“Deeply moving … A sensitive and powerful look at grief with the uplifting reminder that even with all the bad crowded in, there is still room for joy and happiness. Highly recommended.”
—School Library Journal, starred review
“A buoyant tale of hope…A poignant and powerful tale of resilience.”
―Kirkus Reviews
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